Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fashion Invasion

Just before the DaRousso show on AXDW, we did a wonderful photo-shoot. When I say we, I mean Fenia Lampropoulou, photographer and a dear friend, and also Marina Koutsoumpa, make up artist and a friend. We were shooting with an excellent model Tyrin Achiele from Fashion Cult.

It really was hard to shoot in the rain in the cold that day. And we just couldn't call it off because it was 2 days before the Show and we needed the material for the show.

The styling of the shoot was the alien woman look: hair was shaped into the elongated profile of the extraterrestrial head shape. The face was matte and pale with flesh color rouge lips and dramatic, super eyes. Eyes had a deep distant look, somehow calm and indifferent - clean! The characteristics of the face are in the second plan, the make - up brings out the superior, strong and indifferent physics of a creature from another planet. The move and the feeling of the whole shoot was different.

I didn't wanted to follow a fashion shoot cliche. That was easy. We tried to move the philosophy behind the collection trough the actual mood of the shoot. This is why the general expression of the model is observatory, relaxed and powerless, and finally upset and angry. Just like I really picture a felling of facing the human degradation, natural destruction and economical crisis that we all witness today, and which inspired me to design this collection.

The shoot took place in nature, no industrial surrounding (been there- done that), because the nature gave the perfect frame for the whole story.
If anyone would notice that each landscape has something....... that just spoils the picture of a perfect nature balance: the cloudy sky, land erosion, metal sticks in the beach, the dry broken bamboo like plants, the tree that has dramatically shaped roots and it is growing from the side of the hill, dry, naked roots......

It is all a message to be passed, the message that fashion is not just being pretty, its not just about beauty, it is about passion and awareness, it is about passing a message. This is my fashion, right now that is how I feel. This time I designed not consulting the trends or fashion forecasts. I let myself free and I designed consulting life and world around me.
Hope You take the message.

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