Sunday, April 4, 2010

Creative crisis - recycling!

I can't really hide my slight disappointment with the creative crisis hitting the catwalks. I know that the economical factors had to influence the fashion but did it really have to be so much? Buying arty, crazy and out of ordinary designs sure is. Where the designer decides to break the rules and do something different, its where its righteous to be awarded. Mostly designers in the crisis decide to offer more conventional solutions that are 100% commercial and wearable, because the art is luxury and in such times its hard to sell.

But on the other hand don't we all have thousands of conventional designs in our closet? And for some people, like me, it is unfair that we need to face creative crisis besides the economical.

Recycling in fashion can be quite interesting in fact. Using different solutions and ideas, being surrealistic can indeed be the answer and it doesn't have to be expensive. Just a bit of glue, pins, needle, and whatever sparks the interest, can be the perfect improvisation and totally liberating! Not to mention unique! As a new designer, without the possibility of the industry and technology supporting big names, it was just a thought from the consumer point of view, how to put a bit of uniqueness in the slightly boring trends for the fall winter 2010-11. Besides that, some quite out of ordinary recycled fashion will perfectly fit the conventional 100% wearable clothes because it will give it a perfect twist and a totally personalized look. Just to break the monotony of the uniform look that generally dominated the recent catwalks.
While I was simply admiring some unique designs, creations above fashion and ultimate (un)wearable art, I came across the idea that just anyone can create something different with a bit of imagination.

These might spark some interest and just put You on the right thinking: that just anything can do the trick. Some designers in the past really made a statement with recycled style accessories, and we all remember the jeans skirt made out of old pair of jeans as well as how easy is to make a personalized T-shirt.
Also by reusing old stuff and recycling You are looking after the nature and besides being experimental and creative, it is ecological.

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