Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This is a shoot that was published in the FBI Fashion Magazine last year. The magazine is full of Fashion articles, stories and experiences and accomplishments of past and present FBI Fashion College Students to share with the whole industry.

I loved working on this shoot with the team. It was a real team effort, I would say. We had an amazing team of Stylists, a great Photographer and a Hair & Make Up Artist who created the most stunning looks. 

My role in the shoot was not so much to STYLE which was definitely a surprise but to PRODUCE the shoot - sourcing the beautiful location, selecting our gorgeous models and talking all things style and fashion with the two stylists. 

The shoot went absolutely perfectly and I was so happy to see this shoot published and looking so great on the printed pages of the FBI Magazine. 

I found that I really enjoyed the producing side of a shoot as well as still being very involved with the styling side of the shoot. I had so much fun working on this and would definitely love to be both producing and styling more editorial style shoots.

If you are in need of a Producer/Stylist for a shoot, please send me through an email and lets get started! 


HC Styling xxx 

To view the credits for this shoot, please visit the "Hayley Cooper Fashion Stylist" Facebook page via this link - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.270257313052798.63306.192275440850986&type=3

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