Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mr Bean Animation

3D Modeling - Start Your Epic Creation
It may seem scary and complex at first, but to let you in on a little secret you are already a 3D model master! Everyone has created a 3D model before, most likely as a youngster; remember Play-Dough, Model Magic? You were an expert 3D modeler at the age of five and didn't even know it! 

3D Character Animation - Bringing Motion and Emotion to the Arts
When an animator is asked what drives the passion in their work the most, the answer is always 'bringing the characters to life'. What other medium allows the artist to not only design and flesh out their own creations, but have them move and interact with a world of their own? 
What Is Anime Based On?
Anime is most commonly based off of a manga, which is basically the Japanese word for comics. That's not all though, anime is also very commonly based on video games, and some even have entire franchises of video games based on the anime. Of course, some anime are even original creations, these however require far more work than simply taking comic strips and animating them together (not a proper explanation of the manga to anime transformation but the gist of it). Original creations require, at least in my opinion, a truly visionary person to create them.

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